Day 95: Wednesday, July 13, 2011

38 miles to the top of Lolo Pass then back down to Lolo Hot Springs Resort and RV Camp
We bicycled to Lolo Hot Springs Resort where Bob had the RV set up already.  We had a snack, then took off to bicycle the 8-mile climb to the top of Lolo Pass.  The plan was to bicycle to the top so we wouldn’t have to do it tomorrow since we have to ride 80 miles to get to the next RV camp.  About 3 miles from the top, Vincent got a flat tire.  So I bicycled back down to the RV camp (way faster than bicycling up!) and Bob came up with the necessary supplies.  I stopped carrying the supplies when I was bicycling alone because no matter how many times I have tried, I just can’t change a bicycle tire.  I think I will have to be at the mercy of strangers if I get a flat and Bob isn’t around!!   After Vincent fixed the tire, we bicycled to the Idaho state line which is at the top of Lolo Pass.  

1 comment:

  1. I am going to have to be sure Dan reads this!! He is SO disgusted with me for not being able to change a tire. I NEVER get a flat, and have been "shown" how to change one a couple of times, but it just doesn't sink in. PLUS, I just don't have the required "Thumbs of steel" to get the dang thing back on the rim. I just try to ride with capable friends and when alone have my cell phone and hope to look pathetic enough to get help if needed :)

    Spectuacular country you are riding through...

