Day 74: Wednesday, June 22, 2011

41 miles into Twin Pines RV Camp, Lander, WY
A new twist on the benefits of a head wind.  When Bob dropped me off at the Ice Slough in Sweetwater Station, he and I were immediately covered with mosquitos when we got out of the car.  As long as I had a head wind, they didn’t bother me, but as soon as the wind died down or I was moving very slowly up a hill, they were all over me.  Swatting mosquitos away and pedaling up a hill takes a lot of energy!!  Even stopping for photos was hazardous.  Fortunately, I only ended up with about a dozen bites.  Vincent was doubly happy he decided not to bicycle today after hearing this.  The views were definitely worth it.


  1. Remind me to tell you a story some time about jogging in Tanana and the mosquitoes. It's funny now, but it was a bit like a scene from a horror movie at the time (well, maybe not QUITE that bad). Anyway, you've already learned the trick...keep moving!!

  2. I like the clouds in the top picture.
