Monday, October 14, 2013: Plans to resume journey

The trailer cannot be repaired and has been determined a total loss.  Therefore, we are making alternative plans to bicycle to Key West.  We have been enjoying Charlies's hospitality at his beautiful home in Ft. Pierce, FL.  While here, Bob has golfed every day, he and Charlie went deep- sea fishing while Donna and I kayaked on Round Lake, and we have bicycled about 100 miles  or so to keep in shape.  The good people at Valli's Precision Collision Center in Statesboro, GA have said we don't need to rush to empty the trailer of our possessions. We can take 3 to 4 weeks to finish the trip.  They have been very nice and helpful to work with.  We have been debating the different ways to finish the trip and given my still very strong opposition to camping and the fact that Bob really doesn't want to bicycle, he is going to drive the truck to carry our gear and we will stay in motels every night.  We expect to be on the road tomorrow and given that we will be at hotels, we should be able to blog every day.  Stay tuned as we head further south.


  1. Wow , well I think the duct tape and blue tarps will get you to the Keys ,then turn the thing over to the insurance company. If anyone says how tacky it looks just smile with those blackened out teeth. Oh and have the theme song from deliverance playing in the background. It couldn't get any better than that.Just tell them that is how it will be. "Don't make me call the insurance commissioner "You should be able to turn it in down there. Good Luck and Happy Trails. I have some friends that are at Key Largo they just posted pics on FB looks spectacular. Dan

  2. HI Danny, Trust me, we tried. It rained the first 2 nights we slept in it after the damage and we had a tarp taped down pretty securely. It blew off when we moved the trailer to the collision center and pieces of the roof just kept falling into the trailer. That huge hole in the top created a problem!
