Day 10: Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Today, we are visiting my best friend from high school Tammy and her husband Tom in Staunton, VA.  They are very gracious hosts and are making sure we have plenty of rest, food and relaxation.  The first thing I did last night was take a nice, hot soaking tub bath and it felt wonderful.  We have taken over their laundry area and bicycle clothing hangs from all their doorways.  It is so great to be able to visit friends as I take this journey and share my dream with them.


  1. still can't figure this out.db

  2. OOOh!!! Iguess I finally got it. Glad you did not ride during the storm. I have to admit I was worried about it. Those hailstones might have killed you. db

  3. after 6 hours of biking....WOOOOOOO WOWO!!!!!!
