Breakin' in the New Bikes

Ever since I made the decision to embark on this adventure, my biking friends told me I should use a touring bike instead of a hybrid.  I finally decided to look into it and spent many hours thinking about the pros and cons.  Once I determined I would make the switch, I decided to go to a shop that is well known for customizing bicycles and working closely with clients to ensure that the bike best fits the rider's needs.  I spent many anxious filled hours discussing my concerns with the fine folks at College Park Bicycles. My sincere thanks go to Charles, Chris, Igor and Darnell for patiently listening to my obsessive concerns and  convincing me that switching to the touring bike would provide significant benefits on the ride.  They switched out parts, added shims and explained the mechanics of the touring bike so I could adjust my approach to riding.  Vincent, on the other hand, loved the first touring bike he sat on and says he will never go back to riding a hybrid!! 

We picked the bikes up last weekend and have managed to get about 6 hours riding in already.  As I expected, the body position is quite different and I will have to build up some stronger muscles in  my back and neck.  I do think the  lightness of  the bike and the aerodynamics will be well worth the trade off in the long run.  So far I have only been able to increase my speed to about 12 miles per hour instead of 10 miles per hour, but that still equals significantly less time in the saddle for long distances.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cathie! Great to hear that you are enjoying your new bike...any details yet on the 4/10 event?
