Freedom of the Road

When I was a kid, I used to love biking for hours and hours.  My friends and I would leave the house right after breakfast with a packed lunch and not return home until well after the sun set.  So much for the days when you didn't have to worry about kids being on their own and they were free to explore and enjoy.  During high school and college and the early years of my career, I gave up biking,  Then one day, out of the clear blue, I decided to buy a mountain bike because it reminded me of the bikes I rode as a kid.  Larger tires, sitting straight up and a sturdy frame.  When I got on it and rode, it was just like being a kid again.  All my troubles floated away and I felt free, free, free.

Over the last 20 years or so, I have continued to ride regularly although not zealously.  I did the AIDS ride from Raleigh NC to Washington DC twice, in 1996 and then in 2001 for my 50th birthday.  In the back of my mind, I always had a dream to bicycle across the country.   I knew camping was not my favorite bed and breakfast after doing the AIDS ride, so Bob and I talked about his driving an RV and supporting me on the ride.  Bob is great about riding with me, but doesn't share the same desire to bicycle cross country.

When I retired in 2005, Bob and I talked again about the cross country trip (CCT), but he wasn't ready to retire yet, so I took another job.  Still, just about every time we would ride, I would talk about the CCT and it was always there.  When Bob retired in 2009, there were lots of other things going on and I didn't think immediately about taking the CCT.  During the last couple of years, several people very dear to me died quite suddenly and I realized that if I didn't just make up mind and do it, I was not going to realize that dream.  Turning 60 is the catalyst that has finally convinced me to take the plunge and plan the trip.  As a bonus, over the last couple of years, Vincent has decided he enjoys biking --oh the years I tried to convince the kids to bike with me!!  He has decided to accompany us on the trip which means I won't have to bicycle alone.  Oh yeah, he is going to make sure the blogs get posted and we can use the computer to support our trip.

So, we are gearing up and planning for the adventure of our lives.  Do I worry about actually being able to do this?  You bet I do.  But I figure If I don't, I will always regret not trying.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Cathie, Bob and Vincent.

    This is the best! You go. If I wasn't such a cripple and did not have to work, you know I'd be right there with you. It is unfortunate that your route is so far North out here on the West Coast, but your scenery will be much better up there.

    Good luck. Bring lots of M&Ms. Brad Gillespie
